-NewsWhat makes a city smart? A view from the Digital Enabler platformDigital Enabler enables new data economy business models, fostering innovation & enhancing current capabilities. August 3, 2019Read more
-NewsPhase 3 for SELECT for Cities project is on!The SELECT for Cities project searches for new technologies to design, research and develop “cities as linked and large-scale IoE labs”. February 5, 2019Read more
-NewsCity Enabler was announced as the winner solution of the 2018 Select for Cities ChallengeΤhe FIWARE-based Smart City platform City Enabler was announced as the winner solution of the 2018 Select for Cities Challenge. December 15, 2018Read more
-NewsFault tolerance, scalability, and open source – a new way of thinking for Smart Cities platformsSmart city platforms need to be resilient enough to cope with issues whilst keeping services up and running. May 20, 2018Read more