In recent years, we recognized the importance of the One Health Initiative. Hence we focused on research, prevention and treatment of serious zoonoses infectious diseases.
As Epicor’s Authorized Partner and the Exclusive Distributor of Epicor ERP Solutions in Greece and Cyprus, we believe that these recognitions validate our ability to provide manufacturers with the best ERP solution.
For the 4rd consecutive year, we support Asia’s largest Digital Media Conference as a Sponsor, consistent to supporting Publishers and News Agencies worldwide with novel software solutions.
The 2020 Epicor Global Growth Index revealed that although political and economic uncertainty remain as top concerns still, Covid-19 has turned many businesses to invest in tech.
ATC confirms once more its leading role in developing novel technological tools for media organizations, journalists, and fact-checkers to tackle disinformation, by participating in the project AI4Media.
We are pleased to accept the invitation to the 3rd Smart Factory Conference 2020, in order to highlight the significance of an ERP solution towards an Industry 4.0.