-NewsWhat makes a city smart? A view from the Digital Enabler platformDigital Enabler enables new data economy business models, fostering innovation & enhancing current capabilities. August 3, 2019Read more
-NewsPhase 3 for SELECT for Cities project is on!The SELECT for Cities project searches for new technologies to design, research and develop “cities as linked and large-scale IoE labs”. February 5, 2019Read more
-NewsJoin Europe’s most promising City Data PlatformJoin the OpenCall of the City Enabler project, dedicated to the development of new features and applications upon data and functionalities made available in the city of Helsinki and Antwerp. December 19, 2018Read more
-NewsCity Enabler was announced as the winner solution of the 2018 Select for Cities ChallengeΤhe FIWARE-based Smart City platform City Enabler was announced as the winner solution of the 2018 Select for Cities Challenge. December 15, 2018Read more
-NewsFault tolerance, scalability, and open source – a new way of thinking for Smart Cities platformsSmart city platforms need to be resilient enough to cope with issues whilst keeping services up and running. May 20, 2018Read more