Athens Technology Center (ATC) participates in the RADON EU- project by developing mobile apps for tourism and travel industries, following the principles of serverless computing and FaaS.
The project is funded by the European Commission, under Horizon 2020, and aims to unlock the benefits that the European software industry can derive from serverless FaaS (function-as-a-service).
More specifically, the purpose of the project is to create an upgraded framework for defining, developing and operating applications (DevOps) based on FaaS computing serverless technology .
In practice, at the end of the project, a wide range of software industry organizations (such as cloud service providers, software and mobile applications development companies, consulting and information systems integrators, along with researchers in the field of mechanical engineering and IT) will be able to exploit an integrated software development methodology and an open source toolchain allowing a high-degree of reuse and automation of functions, services and associated data pipelines.
This framework will be assessed via the development of 3 different pilot applications. Specifically, Athens Technology Center (ATC) will use the methodology and tools that will be produced within the project to enrich the current version of ADAMO app, which provides the ability to design personalized routes in one city, adding the ability to compose news stories about travel experiences in a region.
For more details, visit the official website of the project.
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