On March 20th, SOMA project needs you in Milan!
International academics, media organizations, fact-checkers, and other stakeholders of the media sector are welcomed to participate in a one-day high-level workshop entitled “Disinformation Across Borders and How to Fight It. “
The event is articulated in six sessions, during which the participants
– will focus on how the spread of the “information disorder” in the media ecosystem is threatening the well-functioning of the democratic apparatus in most contemporary societies.
– will be exposed to the technological infrastructure that is available to facilitate this effort of empowering a European Observatory against Disinformation
– will express their views at an open discussion around the mechanics and practical operation of the Observatory.
This is the first of a series of four high-level meetings that SOMA project team has planned that will focus on the spread of disinformation – or, better said, the “information disorder” – in the media ecosystem.
Check out the agenda and sign up today!
The event is organized by Pagella Politica, and will be held at the National Science Museum in Milan, Italy.
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