Athens Technology Center (ATC) joins the 27th General Assembly of the Alliance of Mediterranean News Agencies (AMAN) showcasing Truly Media platform, aiming to support the Alliance’s members in their effort to fight misinformation.
The 27th Annual General Assembly of the Alliance of Mediterranean News Agencies (AMAN) is taking place in Athens on October 2-4, hosted by the Athens-Macedonian News Agency (ANA).
The proceedings of the General Assembly start today, October 2nd, 2018, with a seminar focusing in the role of fake news in journalism, the attitude of news agencies to the new era of communication and technology and, more generally, challenges and prospects for news agencies.
ATC, a pioneer of IT software solutions exclusively designed for News Agencies, is a longtime partner for AMAN’s members, such us the Athenian/Macedonian, the Cypriot (CNA) , the Portuguese (LUSA), the Polish (PAP) and the Tunisian (TAP) News Agencies, providing newsasset Agency platform, which caters the organization’s needs overall, from planning through creating, gathering and selecting, editing to producing, distributing and archiving news.
Within this framework, ATC was invited to showcase its latest work on Truly Media platform, which can help its members to combat disinformation.
Truly Media platform, which Amnesty International already uses to confirm reports of human rights violations, has a dominant role in this field, is an application for collecting, organizing and assessing the reliability of information in the social media. Similarly, TruthNest is a Twitter-based content analysis application that provides users with useful information that can help them assess the reliability of information and resources.