Athens Technology Center (ATC) and the Language and Speech Processing Institute (ILSP) of the “Athena” Research Center presented the results of the innovative Unbiased system, funded by the Innovation Norway program of the European Economic Area (EEA), on Thursday, October 5 at the ARCHIMEDES Amphitheater of the Athena Research Center.
The system in question, developed in the framework of the project “UNBIASED: Fact-provisioning and bias estimation tools for public inoculation against disinformation campaigns“, is an independent platform with tools and services to combat the phenomenon of misinformation and disinformation, focusing on the analysis of news, positions, and opinions on a wide range of topics. In fact, emphasis was given to the development of specialized online tools for automated assessment of bias and polarization in news, or – more generally – information sources.
At the event, the project partners focused on the work carried out, both to find the most debated topics and the polarity of their sources (most debated topics), as well as to analyze and assess the various forms of (systematic) bias, as well as the provision of external data and evidence from research, authoritative sources and scientific works (evidence).

Specifically, in their speeches, speakers pointed out that the Unbiased system enhances the correction of “Media Bias”, something that is often considered utopian, by leveraging the abundance of web information and the capabilities of big data analysis that facilitate the identification of different opinions and the measurement of indicators for bias evaluation.
In particular, it was mentioned that the project team developed tools to detect objectivity and bias in articles and user-generated content on social media. These tools include the use of algorithms and text analysis techniques. In addition, reliable sources and publications were integrated to improve the information quality of the public and journalists.

Eleni Petra, Scientific Associate of Athena Research Center and of the UNBIASED project, coordinated the discussion. Furthermore, the project’s Scientific Manager and Researcher at the Athena Research Center, Haris Papageorgiou, provided an insightful presentation of the system. The event concluded with a live demonstration of the UNBIASED platform, led by Stratos Tzoannos, Technical Manager at ATC. Additionally, the project’s technical teams presented in-depth insights into the individual tools that have been both implemented and integrated into the platform.
Project supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014-2021, in the frame of the Business Innovation Greece Programme.
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