EU-funded project IDIH – International Digital Health Cooperation for Preventive, Integrated, Independent and Inclusive Living, in which ATC is a partner, has recently ended. One of the main results of the project was the elaboration of a roadmap to enhance international cooperation in digital health for AHA. The roadmap is the result of the work of the Digital Health Transformation Forum that, through an expert-driven approach, has gathered top-notch experts, executives, and advocacy groups from the six regions covered by the consortium.
This work has allowed identifying common priorities and opportunities of mutual benefit in digital health for AHA, outlining the path towards enhancing international cooperation in this domain.
The IDIH Roadmap, following a two-fold structure (WHAT to enhance & HOW to enhance), presents three Priority Topics for international collaboration identified by IDIH experts, accordingly, validated by policymakers, funding agencies, and users actively involved in the project:
- Priority 1 – Data Governance
- Priority 2 – Digital Inclusion
- Priority 3 – Interoperability by Design
Together with a detailed description of the three selected Priority Topics and their expected impacts, the Roadmap:
(1) identifies the main barriers and challenges to international collaboration and
(2) presents a comprehensive analysis of enablers and opportunities for such types of collaborations.
Additionally, in line with the United Nations decade of healthy ageing, the Roadmap presents an 8-year Action Plan until 2030 including concrete actions and recommendations for the implementation of the three Priority Topics at the national/international level.
The IDIH Roadmap is available in two different formats (full document and a short visual version) for the benefit of Funding agencies & Policy makers, User& Patient associations, R&I actors, Networks, Clusters, Strategic Cluster Partnerships and other relevant stakeholders.